Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)

What is the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)?

The Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) is a federally mandated four year program of all surface transportation projects that will receive federal funding or are subject to a federally required action. As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Tulare County region, TCAG is responsible for developing the FTIP for submittal to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the federal funding agencies. The FTIP for the TCAG region is developed in partnership with the eight incorporated cities of Dinuba, Exeter, Farmersville, Lindsay, Porterville, Tulare, Visalia, Woodlake, the County of Tulare as well as Caltrans District 6 and Caltrans Headquarters. This listing identifies specific funding sources and fund amounts for each project. It is prioritized to implement the region’s overall strategy for providing mobility and improving both the efficiency and safety of the transportation system, while supporting efforts to attain federal and state air quality standards for the region by reducing transportation related air pollution. Projects in the FTIP include highway and bridge facilities and improvements, transit, bus facilities, signal synchronization, intersection improvements, and bicycle and pedestrian projects.

The FTIP must include all federally funded transportation projects in the region, as well as all regionally significant transportation projects for which approval from federal funding agencies is required, regardless of funding source. The projects in the FTIP have been found to be consistent with TCAG’s approved Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). 

For questions regarding the FTIP, please contact Gabriel Gutierrez, Principal Regional Planner at (559) 623-0450 or by email at ggutierrez@tularecag.ca.gov.

2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program 

The 2023 FTIP and corresponding Air Quality Conformity Analysis were approved by the Board of Directors of the Tulare County Association of Governments on September 16, 2024. Final approval of the FTIP by FHWA and FTA was granted on December 16, 2024. 

Final 2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program 

Corresponding Air Quality Conformity Analysis

2022 RTP Amendment No. 1

2025 FTIP Grouped Project Listings


Amendment No. 1 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 2 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 3 (Type 2/3 Formal) 

Amendment No. 4 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 5 (Type 1 A-Mod)

2023 Federal Transportation Improvement Program

The 2023 FTIP and corresponding Air Quality Conformity Analysis were approved by the Board of Directors of the Tulare County Association of Governments on August 15, 2022. Final approval of the FTIP by FHWA and FTA was granted on December 16, 2022. 

2023 Federal Transportation Improvement Program

2023 FTIP Air Quality Conformity Analysis

2023 FTIP Grouped Project Listings


Amendment No. 1 (Type 3 Formal)

Amendment No. 3 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 5 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 2 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 4 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 6 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 7 (Type 3 Formal)

Amendment No. 9 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 11 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 13 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 15 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 17 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 19 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 21 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 23 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 25 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 27 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 29 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 31 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 8 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 10 (Type 3 Formal)

Amendment No. 12 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 14 (Type 3 Formal)

Amendment No. 16 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 18 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 20 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 22 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 24 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 26 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 28 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 30 (Type 1 A-Mod)

Amendment No. 32 (Type 1 A-Mod)









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