The Cross Valley Corridor Plan is a vision for a high-frequency, high-quality express regional transit service within Kings and Tulare counties. The Tulare County Association of Governments (TCAG) and Cross Valley Corridor stakeholders have worked together to develop a service, operations, and capital investment plan for express bus service, known as the “Cross Valley Express” to be implemented in phases over the next 10 years.
The Cross Valley Corridor is a proposed 60+ mile regional transit corridor linking towns east to west across the Central Valley using the historic San Joaquin Valley Railroad freight corridor. Phased bus service would operate from Naval Air Station Lemoore in Kings County to the Lindsay Transit Center in Tulare County, with long-term plans to provide rail service all the way from Huron to Porterville. At the center of the corridor is the future Kings-Tulare High-Speed Rail Station, a vital connection between Kings and Tulare counties with the San Joaquin Valley and the statewide rail network.
The Cross Valley Express improves mobility and access to affordable transportation for people who live, work, and visit the Central Valley. By 2030, more than 600,000 people will live in Kings and Tulare counties and will need affordable access to jobs, housing, and other activity centers. Improved transit connecting people to places such as NAS Lemoore, West Hills College, the College of the Sequoias, Kaweah Health Medical Center, and more will help promote more affordable and sustainable travel choices. The Cross Valley Express addresses current transit service gaps to key locations throughout Kings and Tulare counties by providing a safe, affordable, and efficient service that enhances the environment and livability of the region.
The Cross Valley Express improves mobility and access to affordable transportation for people who live, work, and visit the Central Valley. By 2030, more than 600,000 people will live in Kings and Tulare counties and will need affordable access to jobs, housing, and other activity centers. Improved transit connecting people to places such as NAS Lemoore, West Hills College, the College of the Sequoias, Kaweah Health Medical Center, and more will help promote more affordable and sustainable travel choices. The Cross Valley Express addresses current transit service gaps to key locations throughout Kings and Tulare counties by providing a safe, affordable, and efficient service that enhances the environment and livability of the region.
TCAG has worked in close consultation with communities throughout Kings and Tulare counties, local transit agencies, regional transportation partners, and the California High Speed Rail Authority to develop a phased vision and implementation plan for Cross Valley Express service. The Cross Valley Express will be implemented in four phases over 10 years, prioritizing efficient, good value, and high-quality transit service.
Phase 1A
Starting in July 2024, TCAG, KART, and Visalia Transit will work together to enhance existing KART 15 service between Hanford Transit Center and the Visalia Transit Center. An additional stop will be added at Mineral King and Mooney to serve students at College of the Sequoias as well as job centers in Western Visalia. Service will be offered earlier in the day starting at 10:30 AM until 8 PM, for a total of 8 daily trips Monday through Friday. A limited frequency service will be operated on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Service will be timed to improve connections for passengers transferring from buses to trains at the Hanford Amtrak Station.
Phase 1B
By the end of 2025, Phase 1A service offered by KART and Visalia Transit would be increased to every 30 minutes seven days a week. Service would be offered from 6 AM to 11 PM on weekdays, and 7:30 AM to 11 PM on weekends and holidays. The route would be the same as Phase 1A spanning from Hanford Amtrak Station to the Visalia Transit Center for a total of 4 stops each way.
Phase 1C
By Fall 2027, the Cross Valley Express branded service begins, initially extending the Phase 1B route to run from Hanford to the Lindsay Transit Center. This initial route is intended to begin after completion of the new Hanford Transit Center, but prior to the start of California High-Speed Rail service. Prior to the start of High-Speed Rail Service, the route will be extended from Hanford to NAS Lemoore in cooperation and by agreement with Kings County. Service would be offered using new, double-deck fully electric buses branded as the Cross Valley Express. A total of 18 stops each way will be served throughout Kings and Tulare counties. Service will be offered daily every 30 minutes from 6 AM to midnight.
Phase 2
Once California High-Speed Rail becomes operational in the early 2030s, the Cross Valley Express service route will be modified to serve the new Kings-Tulare High-Speed Rail Station. Existing rail service at the Hanford Amtrak Station will move and the station will close. Service would be offered using the same schedule as Phase 1C.
Cross Valley Express service will require a series of capital infrastructure investments along the corridor to deliver high-quality and frequent service for all. Service will be provided using double-deck, fully electric buses to provide access for people with disabilities, space for luggage, bikes, and strollers on the first level and comfortable seating on the upper level for longer trips. Charging infrastructure for the buses will be built at NAS Lemoore, Visalia Transit Center, and the Lindsay Transit Center. To maintain frequent service and decrease operating costs, various technology and transit priority infrastructure investments will be built at intersections along the route. Bus stops will be built with comfortable seating, weather protection, and passenger information, with safe sidewalks and micro-mobility infrastructure connecting to stops helping people easily reach the bus.
Implementation of the Cross Valley Express requires both operating and capital funds to provide robust and competitive service that is phased-in over time, with infrastructure that is maintained in a state of good repair. Key to achieving these objectives are financial partnerships that embrace a variety of stable funding sources including state, federal and local funds, as well as committed collaborations with local agencies. Capital infrastructure investments will cost about $61 million, with annual operating costs ranging from $240,000 to $6.5 million at full buildout. A variety of state and federal discretionary grants and formula funding are being leveraged towards phased delivery, with local matching funds contributed by TCAG, regional transit operators, and a fare-revenue plan once Cross Valley Express service is operational. This funding approach helps strengthen the concept that the Cross Valley Express is a partnership between regional stakeholders and a shared commitment to the broader vision for rail service in the future.
Delivery of phased Cross Valley Express service requires a series of implementation tasks between TCAG and its regional partners. Agreements with NAS Lemoore, KART, Visalia Transit, and the City of Lindsay are necessary to define service and infrastructure responsibilities. Further agreements with the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority, California High Speed Rail Authority, and the California Department of Transportation are required to adopt fare revenue agreements and secure necessary permits for design and construction of capital infrastructure along the corridor. Procurement and contractual agreements for bus and charging infrastructure purchases, final design and engineering, permitting and environmental clearance, and construction will be completed by Fall 2027.
The Cross Valley Corridor Plan, completed in Summer 2024, contains a series of reports and detailed information including an existing conditions and market assessment; a summary of public outreach and engagement findings; service vision and design principles; a phased service, operations, and capital plan; a financial plan; a delivery and implementation plan. Each can be accessed using the links below.