History of TCAG

The Tulare County Association of Governments (TCAG) was formed by a joint powers agreement in 1971. The eight incorporated cities and the County of Tulare executed the agreement. The purpose of this formation was to: 

-Assist local jurisdictions in obtaining federal assistance by providing advice, counsel, and professional direction

-Review and coordinate applications for programs utilizing federal funding

-Provide a clearinghouse for the coordination and review of all state funded projects

In 1982, TCAG was designated the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Tulare County. That designation gave TCAG the responsibility for the “continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive (3-Cs) planning process” in the Visalia Urbanized Area. This, along with responsibilities as Tulare County’s Council of Governments, Transportation Authority, and the Regional Transportation Planning Agency, provides TCAG with a unique opportunity to represent the region in many different forums. 

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