Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC)


The Social Services Transportation Advisory Committee (SSTAC) is an advisory body made up of transit operators, social service providers, and members of the transit-riding public. Its purpose is to examine issues related to meeting the transportation needs of vulnerable populations who often rely on public transportation to a much greater degree than the broader public.

The SSTAC meets quarterly so that members can keep one another informed of the latest developments and coordinate solutions to ongoing or anticipated transportation challenges. Meeting dates, agendas and minutes are available in the links below.

Another key function of the SSTAC relates to TCAG's annual Unmet Transit Needs process. Under state law, regional transportation planning authorities (RTPAs) must identify the unmet public transit needs that exist within their jurisdiction and those which are reasonable to meet. As the RTPA for Tulare County, TCAG conducts public outreach for Unmet Transit Needs every March. Comments received during this process are forwarded to the SSTAC, which makes recommendations on which comments constitute unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet. These recommendations are then forwarded to the TCAG board to be considered for formal adoption.


There are currently two (2) vacant seats on the Social Services Transportation Advisory Council:

Representative of Potential Transit Users Aged 60 & Over

Representative of a Local Social Service Provider to People of Limited Means

If you are interested in serving in one of these positions, please complete and return an SSTAC membership application. Membership applications are available at the bottom of this page.


  1. VACANT- Representative of Potential Transit Riders Aged 60 & Over 
  2. Rebecca Donabed- Representative of Potential Transit Riders with a Disability (Chair)
  3. Lia Hanner - Representative of Potential Transit Riders with a Disability 
  4. Michael Esquibel- Representative of a Local Social Service Provider to People with Disabilities
  5. Dayna Wild- Representative of a Local Social Service Provider for Seniors
  6. Mark Michaelian- Representative of a Local Social Service Provider to People with Disabilities
  7.  Norma Verduzco- Representative of a Local Social Service Provider to People with Disabilities (Vice Chair)
  8. VACANT- Representative of a Local Social Service Provider to People of Limited Means
  9. Teresa Ortega- Representative of a Local Transit Provider
  10. Caleb Bowman- Representative of a Local Transit Provider
  11.  Taryn Ward- Representative from Local Youth